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    At Jianyang Shipping, we maintain a zero-accident policy, both onboard the vessels and in office. Therefore, the health, safety, and environment awareness have always been a part of our mission of providing high-quality marine transportation service and protecting the health and safety of our employees and customers and preserving the environment in which we live and work. Our fleets are in full compliance with IMO International Safety Management (ISM) safety codes, Flag state legislation and class requirements. Jian Yang Shipping has been certified to ISO 9001 in Feb. 2014, and ISO:14001, 18001 is in processing for application. These standards will be applied throughout the organization and extended to all departments.

    At Jianyang Shipping, we believe that by setting the highest standards and integrated best practices in QUALITY, HEALTH, SAFETY and ENVIRONMENT, we are able to create an accident-free and injury-free workplace and a better environment for tomorrow.